BENEFIT: self regulation
Self Regulation

Confidently in control of one’s mind, body, emotions, and breathing, regardless of external circumstances.

BENEFIT: stress management
Stress Management

USING stress to practice skills instead of stress using you as a victim.

BENEFIT: resiliency

Gaining vibrance with tools to live the highest quality of life.

kid sitting
Emotional Intelligence

Navigating the sea of emotions to ACT, not REACT, with good choices.

Provide Advanced Strategies

Many feel confused about getting help for children. Providing understanding and accessibility to easy strategies that help children and the family with fun, practical techniques improves family life. Uplifting them to receptivity in applying new ways to grow together with three dimensional learning captivates interest and motivation. And it is enjoyable!

The quest for help is often muddled and crisis oriented. Creating the desire for success with creative and fun techniques will anchor interest in wanting to learn more to have the greatest success. Success begets success. The Superkid Power approach brings easy implementation to crisis intervention skills. Moreover, prevention begins working immediately to create lasting results.. A stitch in time saves nine!

Use the video series (one is free with downloads) to educate and entertain children learning basic concepts, as well as the whole family.. They will have experiences to learn and know for themselves. Books and audio downloads that entertain while teaching children are invaluable for introduction and ongoing reinforcement. Consider Superkid Power an assistant employee to your goals and objectives that make your work more successful. Let Superkid Power resources assist you in creating successful, long-lasting results.

Giving Hope and Help

When children and families hurt, they need a helping hand that not only understands and has compassion, but ways to solidly click help into place. Tools to grasp life’s reins with solid step-by-step Superkid Power guidance assists them in having hope to reduce the hurt. Meeting them where they are and providing a roadmap for the journey with proven effectiveness reduces stress while improving life quality. Skilled abilities impact self, family, classroom and relationships.

Superkid Power resources give you empowering tools through the free lesson, books, downloads and articles. According to client, school and staff needs, consultation for a thorough plan is advised. Training is also available with advanced strategies. Superkid Power skills impact both brain hemispheres and use environmental cues to nurture internal awareness and strength that arises from healthy choices. We can assist you in creating a plan and appropriate strategies to best serve your clientele.

Accelerate Client Success

Teaching Superkid Power skills gives a head start to every child and family who learn to integrate them into life. Transforming bad stress coping habits and creating new easy formulas with a fun approach is captivating for children. They begin using their own inner awareness and empowerment with enthusiasm. This accelerates the healing process, strength of self worth and healthier relationships..

Children begin sharing their newfound skills with families and peers because they feel so good using the tools. They become catalysts for healthy change in their systems of family, school, and playground. Building confidence transforming negative stress coping habits and lack of emotional intelligence automatically boosts children to feel confident as members of a system. They know they count and add quality to their circles of life.

Success with children who have been abused, neglected, who don’t have any skills, who can’t sit still in School and cause disruptions….thousands of young ones have gained tremendous confidence with their new Superkid Power choices. Children who feel empowered with these skills are given a new life with new awareness and choices beyond what they have known. To feel their Superkid Power means they are becoming self-actualized.They know they will be alright in life regardless of circumstances. Parenting gets easier as children become savvy with self-regulation skills. Your agency will be known as the one that excels in healing children who are in need when you invest in this program that has taken Janai 46 years to develop in order to guide others.

Schedule a Consultation

While we do have a set of lessons available, many times schools and health agencies will need and want a more customized program. Click the button below to schedule some time so we can talk about the program you need.

Audio Files

Audio downloads are a fantastic assistance for children to be entertained and trained simultaneously.

Lesson Sets

Our set of 7 lessons gives you the tools you need to impact the lives of the children in your care.

“Since the kindergarten children began doing the training in the Self-Help Program, I’ve seen a great reduction in socio-economic class discrimination with them on the playground.”

Angie Borigo
School Resource Officer