BENEFIT: self regulation
Self Regulation

Confidently in control of one’s mind, body, emotions, and breathing, regardless of external circumstances.

BENEFIT: stress management
Stress Management

USING stress to practice skills instead of stress using you as a victim.

BENEFIT: resiliency

Gaining vibrance with tools to live the highest quality of life.

kid sitting
Emotional Intelligence

Navigating the sea of emotions to ACT, not REACT, with good choices.

Successfully Guiding Children

As a teacher, consultant, trainer and author, I had to solve my own dilemmas with children, grandchildren and thousands of children in classes and individual sessions that arose. They challenged me to my wit’s end. Discovering exciting ways to relay tools with Social Emotional Learning and Stress Management for 46 years, I listened to the feedback from the children. THEY are the ones that showed me these techniques work.

The video lessons and Superkid Power Guidebook lessons were developed from applying techniques with the children and waiting for feedback from parents, children and teachers. Across the board, it was thumbs up for the success observed and experienced integrating the skills into everyday situations. Enthusiasm for the lessons has been off the charts from parents/teachers raving about how children improve behaviors to children proudly sharing success stories. Children with Superkid Power skills strengthen the system they are in…, school, organization, playground. Children feel needed and empowered when they contribute to their surroundings.

Easily Applying Lessons

It is so easy for you to use these materials! From Videos children can watch to Superkid Guidebook lessons, all the materials are user friendly to reinforce what has been designed. Downloads are included with videos for your convenience in reinforcing the lessons. As you teach children these lessons, you will be amazed at how your own life improves as well as the system you are in – family, school, club, playground, etc.

All books reinforce critical lessons in entertaining ways for children to gain a perspective of how to use skills to feel their Superkid Power in practical situations. Audio downloads are a fantastic assistance for children to be entertained and trained simultaneously. Superkid Stories totally captivate children while reinforcing good values and skills. They request listening to the stories over and over. You will be encouraged by the successful efforts in applying lessons that are enjoyable, bring results and engage children so easily.

Empowerment: Successful Benefits

“I’m alright. Nobody worry about me!” Imagine hearing that from children! Gaining confidence with self regulation, resiliency, managing stress and emotional intelligence brings high caliber confidence to children. YOU feel successful with their success. You benefit from their gaining skills to navigate life stress successfully. These skills reduce your stress level as children become more responsible for their own thoughts, feelings, body tension reduction and proper breathing.

Life becomes easier for you and for the children. When children have a foundation with an internal frame of reference, they grow to be happy and healthy with good relationship maintenance. They want to contribute to society as they value their own worth. Superkid Power allows children to learn in a way they KNOW for themselves and KNOW themselves. Awareness of their inner workings brings good choices showing them how fantastic it is to be a skilled person. They begin to tap optimal human potential. Superkid Power sticks with children through adulthood! Give them empowerment and success NOW!

Lesson 1:
Tense Knots & Calm Socks

Basic Foundation for Mindfulness and Self-control: Awareness of Tension and Calm Relaxation internally.

“Our house burned down and the fireman said we could go in to see it when it was cool. Before I walked in I knew I needed to help myself so I took a deep breath. Then I saw all my toys and clothes were gone.” Krystal, Age 5

Lesson 2:
Calming Myself for Self-Control

Switching gears refers to the ability to choose to change one’s tense state to a calm state with self-calming skills.

“Your approach directly touched my daughter who usually does not connect with others, even family and friends. She was very drawn to you and your lively, experiential approach. For this I am grateful.” Parent of Child diagosed with Autism

Lesson 3:
Switching Gear with My Inner Steering Wheel

Children learn about their inner steering wheel through deep belly button breathing that enhances one’s ability to bring in oxygen.

“My mom and grandma were yelling at each other. I calmed myself singing the CALM SONG and taking deep breaths. Then they got calm and stopped yelling.” Kindergarten Girl

Lesson 4:
My Mind, Body, & Feelings are Friends

True understanding and development of emotional intelligence goes beyond the labeling of emotions.

“When I get upset I feel tight knots in my chest that don’t feel good. When I take deep breaths the knots leave. My chest feels better.” Foster Child, Age 4

Lesson 5:
Squeezing Out Mad Feelings

Understanding how mad feelings work and what to do with them is essential in managing oneself healthily and building healthy relationships as well.

“I always get mad when my mom wakes me up in the morning and I am tired so I hit her. After you taught us the CALM SONG and belly button breathing, I stopped hitting her. When she wakes me up and I am tired, I take deep breaths and sometimes I sing the CALM SONG.” Kindergarten Girl

Lesson 6:
Grudges Be Gone

The weight of carrying a grudge is demonstrated in 3D form introducing children to being landlords of their bodies and what thoughts and emotions they choose to ‘rent to’ and allow to live inside them.

A five-year-old girl broke her brother’s toy. He was mad and stomped away and wouldn’t play. Then he took deep breaths, thought about how his own body felt bad carrying a grudge, and told his sister he forgave her. They resumed playing and he reported feeling better inside.

Lesson 7:

Accomplishing a common goal to have something good happen when working together is the premise of teaching children experientially about cooperation.

“When the children had fun learning about cooperation it was easier to have them cooperate with classroom activities, reminding them how good cooperation feels. They also enjoyed singing the cooperation song and shaking hands.” Kindergarten Teacher

Lesson Curriculum

Click on each of the tabs below to view the curriculum for the lessons.

Basic Foundation for Mindfulness and Self-control: Awareness of Tension and Calm Relaxation internally. Self-awareness of basic changes in the body creates more choices in monitoring and control of the inner world self. Lack of this basic awareness results in unhealthy habitual responses to stress. Confidence is built with skills from the inside out. The use of 3D learning accelerates absorption and retention of subject matter (using objects in the environment to help children see/know/feel what is going on inside their own internal environment of mind/body/emotions). Shallow breathing causes a build-up of tension. Deep, even, slow belly button breathing brings calm control with high octane oxygen fuel for clear thinking and a positive attitude.

**Children with ACES suffer from external circumstances leaving them feeling victimized with no self-help skill empowerment. Understanding the state of changes internally that can be self-controlled reduces self-victimization that results from being victimized and builds strength of character not dependent on external circumstances.

Switching gears refers to the ability to choose to change one’s tense state to a calm state with self-calming skills. Awareness of tension levels and how to reduce tension are key players in teaching children to switch their own internal gears. Self-control is invaluable.

Self-calming is an experience taught with a holistic approach for children to know for themselves and build confidence in being able to control tension levels to make good choices from a calm center.

*Research proves a relaxed state improves learning absorption, improving academic achievement. Social-emotional issues are healthily managed from a calm state rather than one of tense anxiety and negative emotions. Kindergarten readiness is supported by improvement in the ability to focus which is enhanced with self-calming. Children suffering from ACES, diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and Kindergarten readiness all benefit from this essential skill, learning it easily when taught in a holistic manner with experiences and visual aids.

Children learn about their inner steering wheel through deep belly button breathing that enhances one’s ability to bring in high octane fuel – 6-7 pints of oxygen. Tense breathing brings in 1-2 pints. Insufficient oxygen leads to poor memory, difficulty learning, unclear thinking and decision-making, and staying stuck in negative thoughts and feelings. Sufficient oxygen intake is like high octane fuel for a car when deep, even belly button breathing is done. It gives fuel/energy for making good decisions, thinking clearly, being focused, and the ability to study and retain information more easily can improve relationships and communication, easier to change from a negative to a positive perspective.

This skill opens awareness to the ability to ACT rather than REACT and reduces feeling victimized which leads to self-victimization and emotions such as self-pity. Self-actualization is not possible without these skills

True understanding and development of emotional intelligence go beyond the labeling of emotions. This lesson demonstrates to children how thoughts have emotional feelings connected to them and each thought/emotion is located in one physical place in the body. Without this self-knowledge, negative emotions will spread throughout the body creating more tension that leads to the emotion controlling the person instead of the person being in control of the emotion. Research proves with every mental change there is an emotional and physical change and vice versa.

Anger is a normal human experience. From what is considered a normal household to one where children suffer from ACES or autism, understanding how mad feelings work and what to do with them is essential in managing oneself healthily and building healthy relationships as well. Anger repression causes self-harm and disease; inappropriate anger release harms others and does not resolve the mad feeling healthily but causes more stress with the band-aid temporary release. Appropriate anger release brings empowerment with self-control and healthy resolve. Several healthy ways to release anger are demonstrated in this lesson including squeezing it out with a sponge.

The weight of carrying a grudge is demonstrated in 3D form (bag of rocks carried on chest) introducing children to being landlords of their bodies and what thoughts and emotions they choose to ‘rent to’ and allow to live inside them. Carrying a grudge requires energy and space inside a person. Forgiveness releases that burden that harms oneself and creates an easy-flowing feeling inside giving way to a greater ability to experience the freedom of happiness and joy.

Accomplishing a common goal to have something good happen when working together is the premise of teaching children experientially about cooperation. With cooperation as a baseline for relationships in our world, we can formulate a peaceful atmosphere at home, and in the local community as well as the global community.

“Grandma Boom – Thank you for being such a beacon of light and support to my class. The lessons you have taught will be guiding them in life. We adore you!!”

Cheryl Markiewicz

“My son is handling his anger much better since he learned ways to be able to get those feelings out healthily and know that it’s okay to do that. He is not hurting others like he was.” Mom of 2 ½ year old: “As we were getting ready to leave the house, Reese put on cowgirl boots that are 3 sizes too big, so I asked her to change (which she wasn’t happy about), then she came back with rubber boots on. Since the rubber boots weren’t appropriate for where we were going, I asked her to change again. Increasingly frustrated, she says “I’m going to take a deep a breath”, then goes to her room to change again. It was so cute, and I’m happy to know she picks up on your teaching. Also, she’s been singing the calming song today!”

Mom of troubled child

” I have to tell you also that we had none other than a miracle with that beading activity. The student is wild. Simply stated, he lacks self-control, particularly in regards to impulsivity and his hands are ever-busy! His behaviors lack focus in a hyperactive manner. He is on an IFSP and has specialists work with him on several goals, in particular fine-motor skills. He gave up on the activity THREE TIMES, destroying the work he had already done. He scooted his chair back from the table, discouraged, and in defeat. However, he didn’t give up. This is highly out of character for him. It is typically very difficult for him to attend and stay with difficult tasks. That boy eventually decided to complete his entire beadwork design, and did so, WITHOUT the help of any teacher, as we were all busy helping other kiddos. Janai, we were blown away! We could not believe it. He was so proud. Note: We practiced self-calming before the activity and sang the CALM SONG. © Janai Mestrovich, BS / MS, Family and Child Development Ashland, OR

M.D. Preschool teacher

“My little brother took my shells and wouldn’t give them back. I calmed myself with deep breaths. He still didn’t give them back and then he started hitting me. I took more deep breaths and sang the CALM SONG instead of fighting him. Then he stopped hitting me but he still didn’t give the shells back.”

5 yr. Old

“I always get mad when my mom wakes me up in the morning and I am tired so I hit her. After you taught us the CALM SONG and belly button breathing, I stopped hitting her. When she wakes me up and I am tired, I take deep breaths and sometimes I sing the CALM SONG.”

5 yr. Old kindergarten student

17 children in one class session used mood cards to measure hand temperature and stress level. In the beginning 15 were black (tense), 2 green (calm) before deep breathing and calm center exercises. Afterwards, 14 were blue (relaxed), 2 green (calm) 1 black (tense), indicating an overall classroom hand temp. warm-up with increased calm self-control.

Measuring stress level

“Your approach directly touched my daughter who usually does not connect with others, even family friends. She was very drawn to you and your lively, experiential approach. For this I am grateful.”

Mother of autistic female child

“Our apartment burned down on the weekend. I remembered what you taught us, Janai, to take deep breaths when we are upset so we can make good choices. I knew I needed to take a deep breath before going in when it cooled down. All my things were burned.”

Krystal (age 5)

“A nail went in my chest and it hurt bad. I took deep breaths to help it feel better.”


Mrs. S. shared that she has been concerned about her daughter becoming a ‘troubled teen’ in future years because of her lack of control and easily angered disposition. But she said © Janai Mestrovich, BS / MS, Family and Child Development Ashland, OR that after only a few sessions of the Self-Help Program, her daughter changed drastically, realizing she can make good choices, have self-control and treat everyone nicer around her. She reports her daughter’s life is completely turned around because of this program.

Mrs. S.

Kristy’s brother hurt her. She was angry. But instead of releasing her anger inappropriately, she communicated about it to her mom after calming herself with deep breaths.


Tyler wanted candy, but his mom said “no.” After calming his feelings with deep breathing, he said he didn’t even want the candy anymore!”


Shelby was tackled on the playground by another boy. He took a deep breath, thought about his choice of action, and decided he wanted to feel good about himself instead of getting the boy back. He practices the jingle that Janai taught the students, “Breathe, Think and Make a Good Choice.”


“Because my child is learning this and doing it, I am now really paying attention to how much I need to have more self-control and take deep breaths.”

Mom of male child

“My little brother took my shells and wouldn’t give them back. I calmed myself with deep breaths. He still didn’t give them back and then he started hitting me. I took more deep breaths and sang the CALM SONG instead of fighting him. Then he stopped hitting me but he still didn’t give the shells back.”

Kindergarten girl

“My son has changed SO much since he started learning these self-control and calming techniques. Now his sister, who used to seem like she had more self-control, appears to need to learn the techniques from him in order to catch up.”

Mrs. N.

Josie said her hand hurt when another student stepped on it. Instead of focusing on her anger and pain, she said it really helped to breathe out her upset feelings and feel good about herself.


“My mom and grandma were yelling at each other. I calmed myself singing the CALM SONG and taking deep breaths. Then they got calm and stopped yelling.” (This demonstrates the ability to act rather than react. In this case it had a positive impact on others.)

Kindergarten female foster child suffering from ACES

“This is a great program. I think it works well because the children are engaged and entertained while they are learning about themselves.”

Teacher, Promise Preschool Program

“Janai: Today a student of mine with disabilities who experiences daily challenges with emotional and behavioral regulation was disturbing the peace once again, and another student reminded him to, “Breathe, think, and make a good choice.” Hearing this from his peer helped him to discontinue the negative behavior. We are very excited this has happened! Thank you for all that you do for these high-needs kiddos. Gratefully,” Marla Dentino Note: These children are 3-5 yrs. old!!! “Breathe, Think and Make a Good Choice” is a jingle we sing, march and drum to!! Whole body learning/experience teaches one to know for oneself! Young children helping each other and helping themselves to live consciously with healthy choices make a difference in the world that we need. EMPOWERING SUPERKIDS!

Marla Dentino
Teacher of migrant children ages 3-5, Ashland with the Jackson County Oregon Child Development Coalition

“Since the kindergarten children began doing the training in the Self-Help Program, I’ve seen a great reduction in socio-economic class discrimination with them on the playground.”

Angie Borigo
School Resource Officer

“These skills have had impact on every aspect of my classroom.”

Cheryl Markiewicz,
K Teacher, Medford, Oregon

I have had the honor of working with Janai aka Gramma Boom both personally and professionally over the last 6 years. As the mother of an 8 year old girl who experiences big emotions, Janai has given us the tools to help her learn healthy coping and self care skill to ease transitions. Professionally, I have used what Janai has taught with my patients and their children from practicing to breathe to identifying where in their body they experience emotions. Janai and her teachings are not only a vital piece for our children they are also a true gift to receive.

Stacie Westbrook, LCSW and mother to an amazing 8 year old

Frequently children are told to “calm down,” and Janai’s program opened my eyes as a parent and a teacher that many children might not know what that looks like. Janai uses age appropriate illustrations, objects and role plays to help children define adult phraseology so that it becomes crystal clear what they can do for themselves.It helps students to know how to focus when they are calm in classroom activities.

Sharon Ruud, Drain, Oregon

As a young student of Janai’s, I remember her fun teaching styles and music. Her passion for teaching students how to manage their feelings and stress through breathing is an everlasting tool. Being a parent now and all of the challenging times I face with children, I still look back on everything that Janai taught us to remain calm. With every story she tells there is a moral and I truly feel like her passion for helping people is an extremely vital utensil to teach to any and everyone. Janai is an incredible role model and a huge inspiration to become the best you that you can be. I am forever grateful for the influence she has made in my life and now in my children’s lives.

Sarah Weiss, Bellevue, Washington

V. White, after witnessing a presentation by Janai Mestrovich on the foundational concepts of Self-Help Skills for pre-K and K children: “Every child on this planet deserves to have the right to learn these skills in the way you teach them.”

V. White
United Nations Representative

“This program is successfully filling a gap that nothing else can fill.”

Larry Hunt
Elementary/middle school principal

“I was having a hard day and became frustrated. A 4 yr. old boy started singing the CALM SONG that Janai (Grandma Boom) taught the class. The boy obviously recognized I needed to calm down. The entire class joined in and it helped me to calm myself. It was so nice to have the children be empowered in order to reinforce the skill with me.”

Head Start Migrant Division pre-K teacher

“Grandma Boom – Thank you for being such a beacon of light and support to my class. The lessons you have taught will be guiding them in life. We adore you!!”

Dear Janai,

You have a very special gift to be able to speak to children… and their parents. I have been looking at your posts and I have learned some incredible ways to enable my two little girls (7 and 11) to self soothe and destress. They have a lot of stress and it’s caused by me. I was diagnosed with terminal cancer almost three years ago and there are good days and bad days but they have been little warriors for me. My eldest was very angry and asked me why God would give me cancer. I told her that God didn’t give me cancer. Nature gave me cancer but God is how I choose to deal with it. We also play and have lots of adventures! Your spirit and joy remind me of how my children have told me that they think of me. Life is a celebration!

I want you to know that I use so many of your methods when spending time with them. Recently my seven year old told me she wanted to kill herself and I was so distraught. I talked to her and found out it’s because she didn’t want me to be lonely in Heaven. She wanted to go with me. Can you just imagine?!?! As you have written there is always a reason behind a child’s actions. We have worked this out with therapy and your exercises!

Thank you so much Janai! You touch the lives of people you don’t know and I am grateful for you and your advice.


Cheryl Markiewicz

“My son is handling his anger much better since he learned ways to be able to get those feelings out healthily and know that it’s okay to do that. He is not hurting others like he was.” Mom of 2 ½ year old: “As we were getting ready to leave the house, Reese put on cowgirl boots that are 3 sizes too big, so I asked her to change (which she wasn’t happy about), then she came back with rubber boots on. Since the rubber boots weren’t appropriate for where we were going, I asked her to change again. Increasingly frustrated, she says “I’m going to take a deep a breath”, then goes to her room to change again. It was so cute, and I’m happy to know she picks up on your teaching. Also, she’s been singing the calming song today!”

Mom of troubled child

” I have to tell you also that we had none other than a miracle with that beading activity. The student is wild. Simply stated, he lacks self-control, particularly in regards to impulsivity and his hands are ever-busy! His behaviors lack focus in a hyperactive manner. He is on an IFSP and has specialists work with him on several goals, in particular fine-motor skills. He gave up on the activity THREE TIMES, destroying the work he had already done. He scooted his chair back from the table, discouraged, and in defeat. However, he didn’t give up. This is highly out of character for him. It is typically very difficult for him to attend and stay with difficult tasks. That boy eventually decided to complete his entire beadwork design, and did so, WITHOUT the help of any teacher, as we were all busy helping other kiddos. Janai, we were blown away! We could not believe it. He was so proud. Note: We practiced self-calming before the activity and sang the CALM SONG. © Janai Mestrovich, BS / MS, Family and Child Development Ashland, OR

M.D. Preschool teacher

“My little brother took my shells and wouldn’t give them back. I calmed myself with deep breaths. He still didn’t give them back and then he started hitting me. I took more deep breaths and sang the CALM SONG instead of fighting him. Then he stopped hitting me but he still didn’t give the shells back.”

5 yr. Old

“I always get mad when my mom wakes me up in the morning and I am tired so I hit her. After you taught us the CALM SONG and belly button breathing, I stopped hitting her. When she wakes me up and I am tired, I take deep breaths and sometimes I sing the CALM SONG.”

5 yr. Old kindergarten student

17 children in one class session used mood cards to measure hand temperature and stress level. In the beginning 15 were black (tense), 2 green (calm) before deep breathing and calm center exercises. Afterwards, 14 were blue (relaxed), 2 green (calm) 1 black (tense), indicating an overall classroom hand temp. warm-up with increased calm self-control.

Measuring stress level

“Your approach directly touched my daughter who usually does not connect with others, even family friends. She was very drawn to you and your lively, experiential approach. For this I am grateful.”

Mother of autistic female child

“Our apartment burned down on the weekend. I remembered what you taught us, Janai, to take deep breaths when we are upset so we can make good choices. I knew I needed to take a deep breath before going in when it cooled down. All my things were burned.”

(age 5)

“A nail went in my chest and it hurt bad. I took deep breaths to help it feel better.”


Mrs. S. shared that she has been concerned about her daughter becoming a ‘troubled teen’ in future years because of her lack of control and easily angered disposition. But she said © Janai Mestrovich, BS / MS, Family and Child Development Ashland, OR that after only a few sessions of the Self-Help Program, her daughter changed drastically, realizing she can make good choices, have self-control and treat everyone nicer around her. She reports her daughter’s life is completely turned around because of this program.

Mrs. S.

Kristy’s brother hurt her. She was angry. But instead of releasing her anger inappropriately, she communicated about it to her mom after calming herself with deep breaths.


Tyler wanted candy, but his mom said “no.” After calming his feelings with deep breathing, he said he didn’t even want the candy anymore!”


Shelby was tackled on the playground by another boy. He took a deep breath, thought about his choice of action, and decided he wanted to feel good about himself instead of getting the boy back. He practices the jingle that Janai taught the students, “Breathe, Think and Make a Good Choice.”


“Because my child is learning this and doing it, I am now really paying attention to how much I need to have more self-control and take deep breaths.”

Mom of male child

“My little brother took my shells and wouldn’t give them back. I calmed myself with deep breaths. He still didn’t give them back and then he started hitting me. I took more deep breaths and sang the CALM SONG instead of fighting him. Then he stopped hitting me but he still didn’t give the shells back.”

Kindergarten girl

“My son has changed SO much since he started learning these self-control and calming techniques. Now his sister, who used to seem like she had more self-control, appears to need to learn the techniques from him in order to catch up.”

Mrs. N.

Josie said her hand hurt when another student stepped on it. Instead of focusing on her anger and pain, she said it really helped to breathe out her upset feelings and feel good about herself.


“My mom and grandma were yelling at each other. I calmed myself singing the CALM SONG and taking deep breaths. Then they got calm and stopped yelling.” (This demonstrates the ability to act rather than react. In this case it had a positive impact on others.)

Kindergarten female foster child suffering from ACES

“This is a great program. I think it works well because the children are engaged and entertained while they are learning about themselves.”

Teacher, Promise Preschool Program

“We were at the pool with our kids. Our daughter kept complaining about how other kids were spoiling her day. Our son, who has been trained in the SelfHelp Program, said to his sitter in a matter-of-fact tone, “You don’t have to let others control how you feel.” His dad and I were so impressed.

Mom of male child

Ashland with the Jackson County Oregon Child Development Coalition: “Janai: Today a student of mine with disabilities who experiences daily challenges with emotional and behavioral regulation was disturbing the peace once again, and another student reminded him to, “Breathe, think, and make a good choice.” Hearing this from his peer helped him to discontinue the negative behavior. We are very excited this has happened! Thank you for all that you do for these high-needs kiddos. Gratefully,” Marla Dentino Note: These children are 3-5 yrs. old!!! “Breathe, Think and Make a Good Choice” is a jingle we sing, march and drum to!! Whole body learning/experience teaches one to know for oneself! Young children helping each other and helping themselves to live consciously with healthy choices make a difference in the world that we need. EMPOWERING SUPERKIDS!

Marla Dentino
Teacher of migrant children ages 3-5

“Since the kindergarten children began doing the training in the Self-Help Program, I’ve seen a great reduction in socio-economic class discrimination with them on the playground.”

Angie Borigo
School Resource Officer

“These skills have had impact on every aspect of my classroom.”

Cheryl Markiewicz
K Teacher, Medford, Oregon

I have had the honor of working with Janai aka Gramma Boom both personally and professionally over the last 6 years. As the mother of an 8 year old girl who experiences big emotions, Janai has given us the tools to help her learn healthy coping and self care skill to ease transitions. Professionally, I have used what Janai has taught with my patients and their children from practicing to breathe to identifying where in their body they experience emotions. Janai and her teachings are not only a vital piece for our children they are also a true gift to receive.

Stacie Westbrook
LCSW and mother to an amazing 8 year old

Frequently children are told to “calm down,” and Janai’s program opened my eyes as a parent and a teacher that many children might not know what that looks like. Janai uses age appropriate illustrations, objects and role plays to help children define adult phraseology so that it becomes crystal clear what they can do for themselves.It helps students to know how to focus when they are calm in classroom activities.

Sharon Ruud, Drain, Oregon

As a young student of Janai’s, I remember her fun teaching styles and music. Her passion for teaching students how to manage their feelings and stress through breathing is an everlasting tool. Being a parent now and all of the challenging times I face with children, I still look back on everything that Janai taught us to remain calm. With every story she tells there is a moral and I truly feel like her passion for helping people is an extremely vital utensil to teach to any and everyone. Janai is an incredible role model and a huge inspiration to become the best you that you can be. I am forever grateful for the influence she has made in my life and now in my children’s lives.

Sarah Weiss, Bellevue, Washington

after witnessing a presentation by Janai Mestrovich on the foundational concepts of Self-Help Skills for pre-K and K children: “Every child on this planet deserves to have the right to learn these skills in the way you teach them.”

V. White
United Nations Representative

“This program is successfully filling a gap that nothing else can fill.”

Larry Hunt
Elementary/middle school principal

“I was having a hard day and became frustrated. A 4 yr. old boy started singing the CALM SONG that Janai (Grandma Boom) taught the class. The boy obviously recognized I needed to calm down. The entire class joined in and it helped me to calm myself. It was so nice to have the children be empowered in order to reinforce the skill with me.”

Head Start Migrant Division pre-K teacher

Dear Janai,

You have a very special gift to be able to speak to children… and their parents. I have been looking at your posts and I have learned some incredible ways to enable my two little girls (7 and 11) to self soothe and destress. They have a lot of stress and it’s caused by me. I was diagnosed with terminal cancer almost three years ago and there are good days and bad days but they have been little warriors for me. My eldest was very angry and asked me why God would give me cancer. I told her that God didn’t give me cancer. Nature gave me cancer but God is how I choose to deal with it. We also play and have lots of adventures! Your spirit and joy remind me of how my children have told me that they think of me. Life is a celebration!

I want you to know that I use so many of your methods when spending time with them. Recently my seven year old told me she wanted to kill herself and I was so distraught. I talked to her and found out it’s because she didn’t want me to be lonely in Heaven. She wanted to go with me. Can you just imagine?!?! As you have written there is always a reason behind a child’s actions. We have worked this out with therapy and your exercises!

Thank you so much Janai! You touch the lives of people you don’t know and I am grateful for you and your advice.


“We were at the pool with our kids. Our daughter kept complaining about how other kids were spoiling her day. Our son, who has been trained in the SelfHelp Program, said to his sitter in a matter-of-fact tone, “You don’t have to let others control how you feel.” His dad and I were so impressed.

Mom of male child