Her 6 year old smiling eyes twinkled when I thanked her for the colorful “I love you” picture she colored for me. Leaning toward her, smiling, looking into her eyes, I thanked her. “What comes from he heart goes tot he heart.” (Coleridge) Full circle and heart touching!

Special occasions call for memorable experiences. On Thanksgiving we long for a full feeling of the heart. Adults connected to children have the fantastic opportunity to give them a precious gift. Lighting the pathway for a positive focused life is Gratitude. It enlivens one’s own heart, brightens receiver’s heart, builds relationships, and connects deeply, expecting nothing in return. It keeps us humble.

Happy Thanksgiving Prep Tips:

  • Write a thank you note to someone.
  • Young children can draw/color a thank you picture.
  • Family or individual gratitude on a list on the fridge to share on Thanksgiving.
  • Give sweet “thank you” hugs to each other.
  • Leave “thank you” notes in lunch bags, on a pillow, on bathroom mirror.
  • Ask children their ideas of how to be extra grateful at Thanksgiving that would touch someone’s life who is in need.
  • Continue accumulating a posted list to read around a candle list meal. Share how you feel.
  • Thanksgiving meal can provide a Grateful ritual of each person at the table telling all others what she/he is grateful for with them. It creates a candle-glow heart feeling as your centerpiece.
article - Have the Best Thanksgiving Ever!

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Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. (Harvard Health Publishing/Harbard Medical School/Aug.2021)

Focusing on the full part of the glass is a solid way to dive into having a positive Gratitude outlook on Life’s happenings. It hones in on the present moment undisturbed energetically by worry/fear/anxiety/anger/yearning that focus on the empty part of the glass, causing blocks in our energy field. Ask the body….it will tell you what feels better. We cannot control the outer circumstances but we can control our inner world perspective. Grattiude guides with grace.

FEELING the “thank you” is the key. ACTING on it brings it into 3D reality.

Imagine this Thanksgiving to be the BEST one ever and make it happen! Base plans on the experiences of expressing appreciation, feeling it, sharing in new ways.

When I teach Gratitude with young children through my non profit, tax exempt 501(c)3, Superkid Power, Inc., we touch hands to our hearts to make sure our giving and receiving are felt in our hearts.

Gratitude opens connections at a deeper level than cliche conversation. Gratitude living is heart giving. Look at the world around us. Heart living is medicine. Gratitude is a magical transformer that cleanses soul/heart/mind/body.